Cords, Medallions and Stoles

  • Red (a generic cord for both 本科生 and graduate 学生和特定学科荣誉社团的成员)
  • Gold, blue and white (for 本科生 only and signifying 成功ful completion of the J. N. Andrews 荣誉 Program, an earned 3.5 overall GPA, and complete SAGES)
  • 白色( 本科生 earning a GPA graduation distinction--see below) 

Designations are conferred at graduation on undergraduate students who, one semester before graduation, 已在bet365中文大学完成16个学时,总gpa如下:
    3.750–3.899  Magna Cum Laude
    3.900–4.000  Summa Cum Laude

Both the Andrews and Cumulative GPAs must be a minimum of 3.50 in order to be considered for the above designations.

Additional cords and medallions 是可用的 (请注意,不允许在毕业典礼上使用未经批准的装饰品):

  • 银绳-为bet365中文大学的学生传教士/特别工作组工作人员. Cord distributed by the Office of Campus Ministries
  • Red, white and blue cord - for honorably discharged U.S. veteran students, current students serving in the U.S. military (active duty, 国民警卫队, 储备), 和预备役军官训练团(ROTC)的学生毕业后委任. 即将毕业的退伍军人在领取退伍军人证时请携带军证. 
  • 蓝丝带的Phi Kappa Phi荣誉协会奖章-授予入会会员. Medallion distributed by Phi Kappa Phi at an induction ceremony
  • 兰德尔领导奖章-本科领导证书和辅修毕业生. Medallion distributed by the Office of 本科 Leadership
Cultural Stoles: bet365中文大学支持穿学校认可的披肩,以庆祝我们校园丰富的文化多样性. Following are stoles currently worn with graduation regalia: 
Adventist Colleges Abroad (ACA) Stole

在国际ACA成员机构学习一年的学员可以佩戴基督复临学院披肩, 为许多bet365中文大学语言专业的学生提供了学习计划的一个组成部分. It benefits the student’s cultural, academic and linguistic proficiency. The ACA stole features Andrews University’s colors (blue and gold), ACA的标志和大学的标志,以及学生所学习的国家的国旗. 这一纪念章强调了牛津大学的全球视野,并认可了学生们追求文化沉浸和外语学习的决定,以此作为接受这一使命的一种手段. 

AULA Latino Stole
AULA(bet365中文大学拉丁裔协会)拉丁裔披肩是由认同拉丁美洲文化遗产的参与者穿的. 的颜色 chosen for the stole, 红色和白色, 出现在大多数拉丁美洲国旗上,代表了两个重要的原则. 红色象征着为拉丁美洲国家的自由和自由而牺牲的人们. 白色代表着拉美国家永远自由的希望. AULA(写在披肩上)指的是美国所代表的多种拉丁美洲文化的统一.S. 寻找学术、社会、精神、经济和情感上的梦想和成就. Stole distributed by the Office of International Languages & 全球研究(10美元,以现金或支票方式提前支付)

Eastern Asian Heritage Stole
东亚遗产披肩由认同中国各国文化遗产的参与者穿戴, 日本, 香港, North/South Korea, 台湾, Macau and Mongolia. Inspired by traditionally royal costume, blue represents immortality and advancement, and silver represents grace and sophistication. 七国国旗和四种东亚标志分别出现在“鹤”上, representing good fortune and longevity, clouds and waves as symbols of power and resilience against adversity, and the cherry blossom representing beauty and purity. 

Filipino Bayani Stole
菲律宾巴亚尼披肩是由认同菲律宾裔美国人文化遗产的参与者穿的. Inspired by three of the four colors in the Philippine flag, red represents patriotism and valor, blue represents peace, 真理, and justice and yellow represents unity, 自由, 民主, 和主权. The word bayani means “hero”. 然而, bayani encompasses more than being a hero, it represents a person’s commitment for the greater good, 为社区和国家,准确地描述了毕业生在他们的学术旅程中的成功,并在他们的理想中承担起领导者的衣钵.

本土的夏威夷 & Pacific Islander Stole
The 本土的夏威夷 & 太平洋岛民披肩将由大洋洲次区域波利尼西亚(萨摩亚)的参与者佩戴, 汤加, 夏威夷, 等.), Melanesia (Papua New Guinea, Fiji, New  Caledonia, 等.) and Micronesia (Guam, Palau, Marshall Islands, 等.) Although NHPI cultures collectively share nuanced commonalities, they are a diverse people of differing languages, 习俗与艺术. NHPI文化偷窃图案代表了帕塞菲卡人的各种属性:鲨鱼的牙齿具有历史和文化意义, which for centuries, has been a symbolic portrayal of strength, protection and power, and can be traced back to the seafaring traditions and profound connection to the ocean characterizing the life of Pacificans; the spearhead represents skill, 机会, 成功, 繁荣, and the spirit of service; the manulua is a depiction of birds’ wings, 把团结, reciprocity and harmony; the royal blue color speaks to the vast Pacific Ocean voyaged by its seafaring people; the yellow exudes energy, happiness and friendship that is synonymous of the Pacific Islander hospitality; and in finality, it would be remiss not to signify the center of Pasefika culture: God. The ancestors of the peoples of the Pacific were initially pagan believers drawing upon nature for spiritual decree; however, when Christianity was introduced, its people accepted and embraced the living God, 耶和华. The white stands for God’s righteousness and purity. 这些设计代代相传,在夏威夷原住民中根深蒂固 & Pacific Islander way of life.

Indonesian Batik Stole
印尼蜡染披肩由认同印尼文化遗产的参与者穿戴. The stole is blue and gold, 大学 colors, and is embellished with batik, a traditional fabric that is an important part of life as an Indonesian. 特定的设计是在特殊场合穿的,其他日常设计是在工作和学习环境中经常穿的. bet365中文印尼学生协会的座右铭是Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, which means “Unity in Diversity.” 研究生s wear the stole as a way to honor their homeland, 大学, and all they have achieved during their time at Andrews.

肯特披肩由认同泛非文化遗产的参与者穿戴. 肯特人偷走的金色徽章上是一个叫NEA ONNIM NO SU A, OHU的Adinkra符号. This translates to “He who does not know can know from learning.“它象征着知识、终身教育和对知识的持续追求. 红色的, 黑色的, 绿色和金色 are the Pan-African (people of African birth, descent or heritage) colors. Stole distributed by BSCF (pre-order by 电子邮件).

Southern Asia Cultural Stole
南亚披肩由认同阿富汗国家文化遗产的参与者穿戴, 孟加拉国, 不丹, 缅甸, 印度, 马尔代夫, 马来西亚, 尼泊尔, 巴基斯坦, 新加坡, 和斯里兰卡. Though geographically all these countries and cultures are close, there are some sharp differences between them. The paisley (boteh) design in the stole is a common design in South Asia, 用于庆祝重大事件的各种装饰. 的颜色, 绿色和金色, 在不同国家的国旗上都有代表和/或对每个国家都有一些重要的文化意义. The stole is presented to graduates by previous Southern Asian graduates, 就像社区里的长者在年轻人独立出去之前给他们建议一样.